45 Hilarious Pets Who Realized They Were Having the Worst Day

This article appeared in Carterfive and has been published here with permission.

These Pets Are Having a Really Bad Day!

Pets are adorable, hilarious, and incredibly entertaining. But, sometimes, they’re a downright nuisance. More often than not, they end up in situations that might seem funny in hindsight, but definitely don’t in the actual moment of chaos. These pets decided to break all the rules by going for gold, but ended up failing spectacularly. Read on to see the hilarious photos of pets who definitely weren’t having the best day.

Friend or Foe?

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that dogs and cats do not get along. All those idioms do have an origin after all. But, it might be a little unclear whether these two primordial enemies are friends or foes.

Friend or Foe?

The dog seems to have the cat’s entire head in his mouth. It could either be a cuddle, or just an attempt to munch at the cat’s head. Either way, the pet cat really doesn’t seem to be enjoying the close contact with her roommate.

Sit-Down Match

We’ve all had those sibling matches that end with us fighting like cats and dogs (get what we did there?) and the winner finally being declared based on the one who physically comes up on top — by, you know, seating on the other.

Sit-Down Match

Well, it turns out pet animals have a similar way of seteling their grievances. This particular duo seems to have been wrestling for a spot on the couch like one does. But, even though the cat rightfully got the spot, the dog played the ultimate card and made the cat his couch. Can we just say — Ouch?

All Tangled Up

Calling dogs a boisterous breed is an understatement. They run, they bark, but one of the most hazardous habits that they have is that they jump a lot. Of course, more often than not, those leaps cause at least some damage.

All Tangled Up

This one’s jump seems to have gotten him caught in a low-hanging branch. The dog looks mighty uncomfortable stuck in the branch. This is one dog who has not yet learned the importance of branching out!

Can or Can Not?

This photo holds the power to get people out of a funk, because who can help but laugh at the antics of this dog who seems to have gotten his head stuck in a tin can?

Can or Can Not?

The only logical explanation is that he was trying to lick the can clean and ended up being a little too enthusiastic in his endeavor. Or, he’s just Popeye in disguise looking for his healthy spinach.

Going Comando

Every day can’t be the best, and this cat certainly isn’t having her best day today. Point in case, where is the bottom half of her natural clothes — aka her fur?

Going Comando

The top half is covered in gorgeous orange fur, while the bottom half is completely shaved off. The stitches indicate that she’s gotten some surgery done recently, which is probably why her hair was shaved off. Hopefully, her beautiful coat grew back in no time!

No Cactus Please!

Every rose has a thorn, but a cactus has a whole lot of them. In what must have been an attempt to find a few roses on this thorny plant, it seems that this cat’s curiosity got him much more than he bargained for.

No Cactus Please!

We all know that nothing good can come out of this action, and from the cat’s face, it seems that he’s also having the same realization. We only question the person who’s taking the video instead of helping the poor creature out.

Hanging Out

This photo has managed to capture the exact moment that this cat realized he was well and truly stuck between those chair bars. Looking at the spacing between the chair bars and the size of the cat’s head, it’s pretty easy for us to deduce that they’re not a good fit.

Hanging Out

But, he clearly thought he would be able to make it. This could be a hide and seek game gone wrong, or another example of how having a cat for a pet is a task unto itself.

Grumpy Bunny

She might not be a cartoon character, but the angry cat does look surprisingly like the famous TV cat from Tom and Jerry. Though, no wonder she is this angry — her Halloween costume is anything but good.

Grumpy Bunny

With a bunny on her head and a pink bow tie around her neck, this cat looks ready to hit a children’s party. The only question is whether this dress will delight them or scare them.

Let Me Take a Selfie

We all love a good photobomb, and we can’t get enough of a good selfie — remember Ellen’s masterpiece from the Oscars in 2014? It seems that this cow wanted in on the trend, too.

Let Me Take a Selfie

The horse is already having a bad day, since half of his body looks to be stuck in the fence. But, this cow seems to be enjoying his misfortune, if her grin is any indication.

Play Date

This photo is a little hard to understand without context. The owner of this particular dog was driving next to a park full of dogs. When the fur ball saw all his friends there he definitely made it known that he wanted to join in on the fun!

Play Date

Just because he isn’t wailing like a baby throwing a tantrum, doesn’t mean he was less expressive about his wish to join his four-legged friends in the playground. The fourth expressionless photo is an indication that his wish was ignored. Poor baby!

Vet’s Orders

Cats and dogs aren’t the only adorable pets that we love even when they’re having a terrible day. This little hamster has clearly been working too hard at running on his little wheel.

Vet’s Orders

So, the vet had to put it in a tiny little cast. We know this little guy is seriously hurting, but we just can’t help but be completely enchanted by the cuteness of him. Get well soon, buddy!

A Little Too Close

Multiple pets can lead to conflict, though it can also lead to a friendship unlike any other. However, this person’s two very adorable dogs seem to fall right in the middle — the area of tolerance.

A Little Too Close

While the black doggy seems to be overly enthusiastic about hugging his friend, the expression on the white dog’s face is a clear enough indication of how he feels about this situation. It looks like he could have definitely done without the hug.

Think Fast!

This dog just wanted a day of fun, playing frisbee outdoors under the warm sun. But, what he got instead was a saucer straight in the face.

Think Fast!

There’s probably nothing worse than having a frisbee smacked in the mouth. His expression is easy to decipher — he’s truly in a lot of pain. Hopefully, his next catch was much smoother than the first, and this embarrassing moment for the dog was a one-off.

Oops, I Did it Again

We’ve all tried to slip away quietly when we’ve committed a mistake that will probably get us grounded by our parents. This little dog was attempting to do just that when he tried to jump across the bed.

Oops, I Did it Again

However, he fell short of his goal and ended up tangled all over in his blind. By the look on his face, he knows this is one mistake he can’t get away with.

Let’s Play Ball

Dogs love to play catch. If it was up to them, their owners’ workouts would only consist of then throwing balls around for their dogs to catch. However, just because it’s their favorite game doesn’t mean they’re very good at it.

Let’s Play Ball

This ultra cute black-and-white pup can’t seem to get a hold of the ball to save his life. It definitely isn’t for the lack of trying, though!

Is This a Good Haircut?

Not every haircut a dog gets turns out great. But, getting one is inevitable after the hair grows out too wild to manage. This dog got much more than he bargained for when he stepped into the salon.

Is This a Good Haircut?

From shaggy to nerdy. His owner had most of his hair chopped off, until all that remains is this extremely unappealing blob of hair on his head. Hopefully, it grew back as quickly as it was cut down.

Only the Head Remains

This is another example of a haircut gone horrendously wrong, so much so that it looks like the head and the body belong to two different creatures.

Only the Head Remains

Once a gorgeous fluffy dog, this poor animal now looks like a head on a stick, literally. We’re pretty sure that his owner is about as pleased by this haircut as the dog seems to — which is to say, not at all!

The Toilet-Paper Conundrum

Dogs like to chew on things around the house. Pillows, clothes, and most importantly, your shoes are just some of the poor items that can fall victim to a dog’s games. This pup, however, decided to reject the regular items that dogs consume and went to chew on some toilet paper.

The Toilet-Paper Conundrum

Not only is the toilet paper ripped to shreds, but there also seems to be toothpaste that has been destroyed beyond repair. The only saving grace for this dog is his ultra-cute look of apology.

A New Hairdresser, Please

Some hairdressers’ enthusiasm while grooming dogs can go a little overboard. So much so, that the dogs end up looking like baby goats at the end. Just look at the difference in this ex-adorable pet.

A New Hairdresser, Please

From being a carefree and fun-loving dog out of a morning stroll, the canine has been reduced to a dog with barely any fur on his body. We are indignant on his behalf!

Working Hard

We all have a hard time trying to save our electronics from our pets. Cats are easily enamored by shiny things, and their curious nature usually lands them in unusual places.

Working Hard

This cat looks to be pretty deep in her owner’s work life. We can only hope that the laptop only sustained minor injuries. Next time, just lock the door before working if you wanna save your electronics — and your sanity.

The Best Teamwork

Yes, we all know cats and dogs are supposed to be mortal enemies, but desperate times call for desperate measures. So, just like you and your siblings sometimes team up to do something that your parents disapprove of, this cat-and-dog duo seems to be doing the same.

The Best Teamwork

The cat is clearly the mastermind behind this operation as he found a way to convince the dog to help him reach the water dispenser in the fridge. We just hope that he fills his friend’s water bowl as payment.

A Car Wash Gone Wrong

Car washes are fun — in just a few moments they turn your dirty car into a shiny new vehicle. But, being inside as the washer is running when you’re claustrophobic? Probably, not the best experience. This dog decided that he definitely didn’t appreciate being left inside.

A Car Wash Gone Wrong

From the looks of it, it appears as if the dog freaked out and broke a window trying to get out. Now, there’s not only a broken window, but also a freaked-out dog, and an even messier car.

Trampled Trampoline

It seems that it isn’t just little kids who love playing in the backyard. Even pet goats need at least some kind of fun enrichment in their daily life. This goat was given a lovely trampoline to jump the days away on.

Trampled Trampoline

Unfortunately, it looks like everyone involved in this plan should have read the manufacturer’s instruction manual. Because, if they had, they would know that this equipment wasn’t quite built for a goat, surprisingly enough.

Snow Day

One of the many things that kids and puppies have in common is that they both absolutely love getting that first drop of deep snow so that they can go out and play in the freezing weather.

Snow Day

This doggy was very excited to go out and play in the fresh frost — until he found out the hard way that the snow was about six feet deep, that is. What’s the dog equivalent of hot chocolate? Because this poor pup is going to need it when he finally makes his way back inside.

Cemented On

Fresh cement can be tricky to have around the house, especially when you have children or pets running around the house, creating chaos wherever they go. This pet’s owner surely wasn’t happy with the huge mess their furry friend made.

Cemented On

The dog inadvertently walked into the drying cement and not only ruined the surface but also got a majority of it stuck in his paw. This must have been one big clean-up for the poor owner.

A Rainbow Dog

Everything is fun and games to these furry house pets. But, sometimes, their best days are nightmares for their owners. Just look at this dog and what he’s done to his coat.

A Rainbow Dog

This dog had a jolly good time rolling around in colorful chalk until his white fur turned the color of the rainbow. Now, just imagine how much scrubbing his poor owner will have to do to get it all out.

Doggy Goggles

We love to dress up our pets. This owner decided to take an unorthodox route and instead of clothes and booties gave his dog some goggles to wear on his head.

Doggy Goggles

Can we just point out how absolutely adorable this dog looks? She looks all ready to jump into the ocean and take a swim with the dolphins. Sadly, these protective goggles are not for a swim but are instead due to a procedure she had in her eyes.

A Moo Chair

It’s not uncommon to hear about kids getting their heads stuck in place, like in banister rails. But, it’s pretty uncommon to see a cow with its head stuck — and in a chair, of all places!

A Moo Chair

This probably wasn’t a very good idea by the cow, but we do feel bad for it. It looks pretty miserable. After all, who likes getting their head stuck anywhere?

Sharing Is Caring

This dog is probably the nicest dog to have ever lived with a cat because it looks like he’s giving his bed to his fellow pet and is himself slumming it in a small basket.

Sharing Is Caring

It’s obvious that the big basket was meant for the dog while the small one was meant for the cat. But, the dog is adjusting in the teeny-tiny basket, while the cat lounges in the big bed.

A Hole in the Wall

This dog is definitely not having the best day, not even the best day of the week, let alone his life. Being stuck in the wall will do that to somebody.

A Hole in the Wall

The story is pretty simple to follow — the dog went outside, saw a hole, and stuck his head in it. Now it seems like he’s having trouble pulling his head out of the hole. He probably regrets his decision a lot.

Car Troubles

We’ve all tried to fit into our toy cars even after growing out of them. Even now, when we visit a young kid, we can’t help but try to hop into one.

Car Troubles

This cow also seems to want to visit the good old days as she tried to stick her head in an abandoned toy car. We love that she wanted to play, but maybe a toy car was not the best choice for her.

The Runaway

This dog is a classic case of act first, think later. In this case, he decided to give his owners the slip and run away from the house — like one does. The frantic owners spent hours looking for the little mutt, only to come back to this.

The Runaway

It seems that the dog decided to come back home and was eagerly waiting for somebody to open the door so that he can go back to his luxurious life. Hopefully, this taught him to appreciate what he has in life.

Chased Away

Being chased by dogs in the park isn’t all fun and games for everybody. Not even for other dogs, it seems. Just look at the face of this terrified pitbull, if you need any proof.

Chased Away

According to the owner, her pitbull always thought that he was top dog in the park until this another animal (is that a dog or a bear?) decided to give him chase. The expression on his face is just priceless.

Where Is the Food?

Good, old cats. When will they ever learn that everything is not what it seems? This one decided to give the magazine pages a lick, just because it had a drawing of food on top of it.

Where Is the Food?

We can’t really blame the cat for this one because we’ve all been tempted by magazine spreads despite knowing that they’re 100% fake. The expression though is the perfect combination of disgust and betrayal.

The Fight

Cats have a reputation for being kind of mean, for hissing not just at strangers but also at their owners at times. It’s quite unsurprising to see cat owners with scratches on their arms.

The Fight

So, it’s no surprise that some of them can also be pretty big bullies. Look at this poor white cat who looks like he’s seen his end as the orange one happily lounges on top of him.

Duck in the Middle

We don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the plight of this bird who has gotten herself stuck in the middle of a wooden fence. It seems to be an impossible feat, but this duck managed to do it.

Duck in the Middle

The only plausible explanation is that the duck ran full speed at the fence, and misjudged the distance before jumping. This duck would probably like to kick himself for his mistake. Sadly, his legs are otherwise occupied at the moment.

High Above the Ground

Humans have an incessant urge to throw things up in the air. Balls, Cheetos, newborn babies, and, now it turns out, even dogs aren’t exempt from this list.

High Above the Ground

Just look at this unimpressed pup, hanging mid-air as he waits for his owner to realize what a bad idea it is. He’s probably planning how to get revenge on the girl. The moral of this story is, don’t throw your pets in the sky.

Stuck in the Middle

A cat in a goldfish bowl is not a sight that many of us thought we’d ever see. However, this one decided that his goal of the day was to get stuck in one. That’s one item off the checklist.

Stuck in the Middle

The way he is completely jammed in there looks painful. But, the most heart-wrenching part of this photo has to be the big eyes that the cat seems to possess. Somebody needed to get him out of there — yesterday.

Jumping Jacks

A jump is a tricky thing to execute perfectly in real life, and even harder to be caught on camera. More often than not, it turns into a skewered version of what you were going for.

Jumping Jacks

It’s unclear what this dog was attempting to do — was it a front jump or a side jump? Either way, neither dog looks happy about the end result. The one below seems to be getting downright crushed!

Up on the Door

The always curious cats are known for their nimble movements, their feats of fancy feet, and their love for jumping onto things — tables, chairs, beds, and sometimes even on top of doors. However, this last one doesn’t end well very often.

Up on the Door

Just look at the absolute terror on the face of this animal. It’s the look of a cat who knows he’s leaped more than he could handle, and can’t figure out the right way to get down.

Rescue Needed

Another day, another cat. Another place to get stuck. This cat seems to have gotten herself stuck in the window, probably in an attempt to jump out of it.

Rescue Needed

She probably thought that she didn’t need to open it more but the end result was a little disastrous. The cat looks to be in extreme pain, stuck between the two window panes. Definitely not her best day!

In the Dog House

Dogs are the poster animals for innocence. Their purity shines from their eyes, and they often get away with most of their antics, from chewing on your shoe to dirting the rug.

In the Dog House

This particular dog took things a little too far and chased a deer. It seemed that people were not happy with his attitude, and Finn, the dog, was taken to the big house for some interrogation. He might be a hardened crook but we still think he’s adorable.

Free to Go

It looks like we’re not the only ones not immune to Finn’s cutness. At least this time, the authorities seemed to have let him off with just a warning for his deer chasing.

Free to Go

His owner was clearly happy to have him back home as she shared online that “His name is Finn, he’s out now but we’re still waiting to find out what’ll happen to him. He’s a good boy, he just hates deer.”

Diving In

It looks like there’s a pretty logical reason raccoons are called trash pandas — just look at this poor guy stuck in the public bin, if you need any proof. Seems like this guy tried to dive head-first into the can but didn’t quite think about how he would surface back out.

Diving In

In fact, he was so stuck that animal control had to be called to rescue the poor, hungry raccoon from his uncomfortable situation. Hopefully, he learned from this not to go diving into strange bins.

A Coney Situation

Not every bad day happens because of a fight. Some just happen because your medical treatments come with after-care that’s not the most comfortable. Just look at this cat and you’ll get a good example of an incredibly unenjoyable medical device.

A Coney Situation

This cat has been fitted with a cone around his head, which allows the wounds to heal properly. However, based on his expression, the way to his speedy recovery is not something this feline appreciates.


While we humans might be big fans of the Disney classic The Lion King, we doubt that our feline friends have found it terribly entertaining since it came out. After all, people love recreating scenes from the movie with their cats.


This poor cat looks like he’s about to play out the infamous wildebeest scene. This horrified cat also looks just as betrayed as Mufasa probably was during that scene. Thankfully, the floor does look pretty close to the couch he’s falling from.

Don’t Wanna

This is probably the grumpiest and most adorable little kitten we’ve ever seen in our life! While we can’t figure out why this sweetpea is having a bad day, we can say that his angry glare is just so cute!

Don’t Wanna

Hopefully, his day would improve once he let go of that table leg, got over this tantrum, and let his owner cuddle him a bit. Until then, we can just enjoy all this cuteness — lucky us!


Goats are known for all sorts of interesting things. For example, one of their hidden talents is their ability to jump pretty high compared to their size. Unfortunately, it looks like this goat was aiming just a bit too high.


It looks completely resigned to its fate of just staying on this stump forever. Hopefully, the person who captured this look of despair took pity on the poor goat and helped it down, eventually.